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Where am I allowed to hand out pre-packaged and labeled samples?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  David Crabill 11 years, 4 months ago.

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    Is it only farmer’s markets? I attend university and was wondering if I am allowed to give samples to my SAI sister and her co-workers, my roommate and his co-workers, and to walk around tailgate passing out some samples? I just want to get a clear answer before I rush into this.

    Thank you!


    David Crabill

    You may only sell from your residence, farmers markets, farm stands, and public events like fairs and festivals. Aside from that restriction, though, you should also know that the food must be produced from your kitchen. That means that if you live in a dorm, and use a communal kitchen, you would not be able to sell what you make there. But if you have an apartment with friends, then food made from that kitchen could fall under the cottage food laws.

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