As far as I know, having a pet anywhere in your home prohibits you from being able to sell homemade food. Your dog can never enter the house. I believe the ruling is that pets cannot be “in the building” of any business that manufactures food for sale.
You should be using your home’s kitchen… if you wanted to build or use a separate kitchen on your property, then I think you’d need to make that a commercial kitchen, which would be pretty complicated/expensive:
You probably can’t sell pet treats:
Usually cottage food businesses use standard home appliances (some states prohibit commercial equipment), but it doesn’t look like Oregon has rules about that.
Most products can be measured with a basic scale, which may have to be tested by a state dept.
For some types of products, you might be able to bypass some restrictions with the Farm Direct Bill:
You’ll need to speak your ag dept to get exact details about everything.