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This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  David Crabill 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #16466


    Hello. I’m an individual who enjoys making chocolates at home. Know someone who has a small business and would like to make a chocolate business card for promotional reasons. To remain within the law in Ohio, am I required to start a business? Need a permit or license? Items will be labeled as required by law. Will not be starting a website or anything and will not be shipping anything. Will not be selling to anyone except one small business. Thank you for your assistance.


    David Crabill

    No matter how small your business, you still need to go through all of the proper licensing procedures. If you can operate under the cottage food law, you wouldn’t need a permit from the ag dept, but you may need other permits.

    Chocolate should be allowed under Ohio’s cottage food law. The only thing that could be a problem is that you may not be able to sell to a business. You’re supposed to be selling to the final consumer, and that individual would be informed that your products are homemade via your label. Obviously a business card would have the intention of being consumed by someone else, and that may mean that you need to use a commercial kitchen.

    You should call the ag dept for a definite answer to your question.

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