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Commercial Kitchen Use for Production

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  David Crabill 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #13676

    Chris Johnson

    I think that we have acquired a commercial kitchen in a licensed restaurant to produce our farm-to-table sausage from scratch. The owner is willing to rent to use by the hour on their off hours/days.

    My questions are 1) does this satisfy the law in Ohio that a meat product must be produced in a commercial kitchen?
    2) if so, are we able to sell this sausage at the local food/farmers market?
    3) are we allowed to sell product to local restaurants under a white label or our own label?
    4) do we have to sell frozen?
    5) how about labeling?

    THanks for all your help!


    David Crabill

    Commercial food processing laws are fairly complicated and often county-specific. You should direct your questions to your local health dept. Once you get your business setup, you will be able to sell in most places with relatively few restrictions.

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