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Delivery Laws

This topic contains 3 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  David Crabill 9 years, 5 months ago.

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    What are the options for delivery to my customers? Do I have to deliver the food myself or can I have someone else deliver it for me?

    For example, can I use UPS?
    Can I use a friend?
    Can I use someone else employed by my CFO?


    David Crabill

    The law says that only direct sales are allowed, which I take to mean that the producer needs to hand the product to the consumer. It may be okay for a family member to deliver the product, but maybe not. The upcoming amendment specifies that an LLC can have no more than two owners, and in that case, I would think that either owner could deliver the product.

    You should consult the health dept for an official interpretation, but mine is no delivery via shipping, employees, or friends. This law was really intended for individuals who keep their business local and run everything themselves.



    Hey David,

    I was talking to the Health Department here in Colorado earlier today, and they said that you can use mail. And I read the law, and it doesn’t seem to state anything about delivery at all. So, it looks like as long as you ship things within the state, it good to go.


    David Crabill

    Thanks Jeremy, that’s really good to know, and it’s nice that Colorado’s chosen that interpretation. I feel like I called them a few years ago about this and got a different answer. It’s always good to double check!

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