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Do I need a Cottage Permit If…

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  David Crabill 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #2102

    Crystal Diamond

    I am starting a new business, and I am finding the permit process confusing. We are coffee roasters. We will not roast our coffee from our home, but in a licensed commercial kitchen. We will also weigh, package, label, and seal the product at the licensed commercial facility. Our home office has been approved for a business license for the sale of stated product. Would we need a “Cottage License” to store the bags of coffee (all ready to be sold) in our home? Or would it be better to purchase rental space from the licensed kitchen, to store the coffee (all ready to be sold) instead? Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,


    David Crabill

    Crystal, I can tell you that a cottage food permit is for those only preparing food in their home kitchen. Since you are not doing this, then the law won’t apply to you. As for what’s the best way for you to sell your pre-made goods, I really have no idea. I am totally unfamiliar with the process for using your home as a sales venue outside of the cottage laws. I’m sorry that I really don’t even know where to direct you, other than being able to direct you away from the cottage food laws.

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