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Why is WA Cottage Law so stuffy?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  David Crabill 8 years, 6 months ago.

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    Why are the laws in WA so strict in reference to the Cottage Law, commissary kitchens, food trucks, selling homemade products…? It seems like they make it very difficult at all levels – cottage law, commercial kitchens are difficult to locate…or even start for vendors, food trucks requirements are strict, farmers markets take commissions and require products to use ingredients from other farmers market vendors…. I keep running into speed bumps.
    My current career has me following procedure and policy but that is for life and death – seems more strict and highly regulated to just try to sell a homemade food product.
    Did the “Seattle Chill” infiltrate the law makers?


    David Crabill

    I don’t know exactly why, but it seems to affect all populous states. CA and TX have had to go through major efforts to get their laws to be reasonable. CA would probably be the same as WA, or worse, if it weren’t for the major desires and pressures from its citizens for local food. CA is usually on the front end of trends when it comes to the food scene, whereas I think of WA as more focused on the environment. It’s possible that one major player that has been lobbying for more barriers in the food system is the NWFPA:

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