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Samples of bread

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  David Crabill 10 years, 11 months ago.

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    If I am selling loaves of bread at a farmers market am I allowed to have a few pieces cut up as samples?


    David Crabill

    Yes you can. Here’s what the ag dept says about it:

    As long as your product meets the requirements of the Cottage Food guidance document and is a non-potentially hazardous food, sampling is allowed. Samples must be pre-packaged in your home kitchen (e.g, if you sample bread, you can’t cut it at the market, but can cut it in your home kitchen and individually wrap or package the bread samples into sample cups with lids). Although you do not need an individual label for each sample , you must have properly labeled packages of your product on display with the samples so your customer can review the ingredient list. Your product cannot be cooked or prepared in a way that makes it a potentially hazardous food/temperature control for safety food (e.g., you can’t add a dried dip mix to sour cream or serve anything that can’t be kept safely at room temperature – these examples would require a food license).

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