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Home address on product labels

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jill Horton 5 years, 5 months ago.

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    Hi I’m new to the community and would like to know more about the Cottage Food Law. I’m from California and my biggest concern is the address label on the product. If I were to declare an address on the label, would it have to be my home address, because I can imagine how that can be unsafe. I see some labels from the products I see on Farmer’s Markets that say, “Distributed in XYZ”. How should I go about that?



    Hi Nicky!

    Yes, by California law you are required to put your home address on your labels. To be honest, there really is nothing to worry about. I haven’t had a problem with anyone coming to my home. You are a business and you pretty much lose the right to privacy of your home address when you are a cottage food operation. It becomes public knowledge. You can get away with not putting it if you have your address claimed as a business publicly via the yellow pages. Hope that helps!



    Also, I forgot to add that you don’t have to put your address on anything if you sell your products unpackaged like in a bakery case and then just have boxes or paper bags to put your goods in, this is called open foods, but you must sell in an ez up with mesh screening all around. All you need to write is Homemade on your sign. Lots of businesses that have distributed in xyz are not cottage food operations they most likely work out of a commercial kitchen.


    Jill Horton

    Hi Nicky, I had a similar question because in Ventura County the regulations say that you only need the city and state with the permit number if you are not listed in the “current telephone directory” but I was unable to get clarification regarding what the “current telephone directory” is.

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