B & Bees Provisions
B & Bees Provisions‘s profile was updated 5 years ago
B & Bees Provisions changed their profile picture 5 years ago
B & Bees Provisions added a new CFO 5 years ago
B & Bees Provisions sells local honey and homemade jams and jellies in Memphis, Tennessee. A portion of proceeds are donated to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
Christine started the topic Memphis regs? in the forum Tennessee 7 years ago
I think at least one other person in this group is a Memphis local. I’m looking into selling a few non-PHFs under the cottage food law, and I’m totally new to the concept! Two questions – well, three:
1) Do I have to file something with the state to operate under the cottage food laws, or just follow the requirements (about labelling, sign…[Read more]B & Bees Provisions joined the group Tennessee 7 years ago
B & Bees Provisions changed their profile picture 7 years ago
B & Bees Provisions‘s profile was updated 7 years ago
B & Bees Provisions became a registered member 7 years ago