Justin Silverman
Nazia Nazeer joined the group Virginia 1 month ago
Thomas Altman posted an update in the group Virginia 7 months, 1 week ago
New here. Just learning about the cottage food operation
Thomas Altman joined the group Virginia 7 months, 1 week ago
Chasity Easter joined the group Virginia 9 months, 1 week ago
Justin Silverman joined the group Virginia 9 months, 4 weeks ago
David Crabill replied to the topic Zoning Variance in HOA? in the forum Virginia 2 years ago
I see now. Have you contacted the ag dept to verify that they do, in fact, permit home food processing establishments? The law is there in theory, but I still have yet to see one implemented. I know a number of counties don’t allow them at all.
So if they will allow one with zoning approval, then I think it’s just a matter of education for the…[Read more]
Pamela Dilley replied to the topic Zoning Variance in HOA? in the forum Virginia 2 years ago
As an addendum to the above post. As I understand it, Certification of a Home Food Processing Operation in the State of Virginia requires inspection by the Virginia Dept of Agriculture & Consumers Services (VDACS), which is different than inspection to become a commercial food business by the local health department.
Pamela Dilley replied to the topic Zoning Variance in HOA? in the forum Virginia 2 years ago
Hi David, Thanks for responding. I have a lot of interest from retail shops interested in purchasing my baked goods. So I have been looking into becoming a certified CFO in the state of VA. Part of the application process requires that I include written zoning approval, which would come from the County of Middlesex. I had a brief conversation…[Read more]
David Crabill replied to the topic Zoning Variance in HOA? in the forum Virginia 2 years ago
Who is requesting that you get a zoning variance? Is it your city/county to approve a general business license? Or is it your HOA? Considering the nature of the lots in your HOA and your plan to be delivery only, I would be surprised if the HOA board disallowed your business, even if there’s something in the CCRs saying you can’t run a home…[Read more]
Pamela Dilley started the topic Zoning Variance in HOA? in the forum Virginia 2 years ago
Has anyone successfully received a zoning variance for a CFO within their HOA? CfO would operate as delivery only, so there would be no increased traffic in the neighborhood. Also, all lots in the HOA are at least 3-5 acres, so no neighbors can be seen from my home. Any tips for working with the HOA and/or Zoning Board? I’m assuming I will n…[Read more]
Venita Harris joined the group Virginia 2 years, 1 month ago
Pamela Dilley joined the group Virginia 2 years, 1 month ago
Michelle D Perez posted an update in the group Virginia 2 years, 1 month ago
questions on the home food processing exemptions
Hello everyone! I am trying to navigate the requirements to sell baked goods under the food processing exemptions. I see that we cannot sell on-line (from my understanding, you can advertise but not conduct any money transactions on-line), we do not have to pay the annual $40 to VDACS but I cannot…[Read more]Michelle D Perez joined the group Virginia 2 years, 1 month ago
Storybook Bakery replied to the topic Greetings Virginia CFO ! in the forum Virginia 2 years, 1 month ago
Good evening!
You are not able to sell online under regular cottage food operations. If you would like to sell online and/or ship items (as we do), you would have to become a home food manufacturer/processor, which requires an application and inspection by VDACS. The process is rigorous but worth investing the time and effort if you have…[Read more]
Cathy replied to the topic Greetings Virginia CFO ! in the forum Virginia 2 years, 1 month ago
HI, Lisa. Sorry I saved the email notification, but the weeks got away from me. Unfortunately, you are correct that we aren’t allowed online sales where there is a shopping cart and payment option. I, too, have a website and a Facebook page (as well as a Google business profile and Instagram). I post my menu options in the various places and…[Read more]
Lisa started the topic Greetings Virginia CFO ! in the forum Virginia 2 years, 2 months ago
I’m wondering who’s active on this forum. I’d love to hear from others in VA. I’m confused about some of our laws regarding the restriction on online sales. I have a website. I have a Facebook page. Customers want to pay at checkout when they order. Are we really restricted from collecting payment online? This is how most people make payments…[Read more]
Lisa joined the group Virginia 2 years, 2 months ago
David Crabill replied to the topic Fermented in the forum Virginia 2 years, 7 months ago
As far as I know, fermented foods are not allowed under VA’s basic cottage food law. However, you can sell up to $3k of acidified foods, including pickles (non-traditional) and hot sauce.
You MIGHT be able to use VA’s home food processing law to sell more than that, but I’m not sure how many ag dept allow home food processing operations.
And you…[Read more]
George Heston joined the group Virginia 2 years, 7 months ago
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There’s a good chance that you need to get a general business license from your city or county, and they might be able to answer tax questions. Since you can’t get ahold of the ag dept, I’d recommend starting selling and not waiting on them. I have not heard of any specific restrictions against using buttercream frosting or using meringue powder.
Thank you for the information. I’ll try and reach out to the city/county after I arrive. I wish this was easier to navigate.