Carla Reed joined the group Ohio 1 year, 2 months ago
David Crabill replied to the topic Can I sell drink at farmers market? in the forum Ohio 3 years, 6 months ago
Unfortunately that would not be allowed. If you want customers to be able to enjoy your baked goods with iced tea, the easiest way is to buy bottles from the store and resell them at your booth. Check with your market manager to see if there’s a reseller’s permit required to do so. To sell your own iced tea, you’d need to make it in a commercial kitchen.
Navapat started the topic Can I sell drink at farmers market? in the forum Ohio 3 years, 6 months ago
I now have home bakery license and bring some of my baked goods to sell at markets and I was wondering, is it possible to sell homemade iced tea to customers? (Iced tea in a big jug and filled with ice)
Thank you.
Navapat joined the group Ohio 3 years, 6 months ago
Sari Kimbell joined the group Ohio 5 years, 5 months ago
Diane Nahallage posted an update in the group Ohio 6 years, 2 months ago
County vs State confusion State of Ohio says we can use internet to sell cottage foods, my county says: Cottage foods may not be sold on the Internet. Cottage foods may be sold: Directly to the end customer from the
site of preparation (home); and also farm markets, farmers markets…I want to create a facebook page to collect orders and e…[Read more]
Diane Nahallage joined the group Ohio 6 years, 2 months ago
James Luckett started the topic wood fired oven in the forum Ohio 7 years ago
so i’ve been baking naturally leavened sourdough bread in my oven in my kitchen and selling them on the weekends as a cottage industry. what if i constructed a small, modest wood fired brick oven in my yard to bake the bread? i know the guidelines clearly state i can sell baked goods made in my kitchen, in my regular oven. some folks though have a…[Read more]
James Luckett joined the group Ohio 7 years ago
David Crabill replied to the topic Homemade yogurt, online (to be picked up) or in a grocery? in the forum Ohio 7 years, 4 months ago
It would not be allowed because of the type of food it is. You will need to use a commercial kitchen.
David Crabill replied to the topic Under the Ohio cottage foods laws can I repackage bulk foods for resale? in the forum Ohio 7 years, 4 months ago
Yes, you can do that with the cottage food law. Here is some info about repackaging:
David Crabill replied to the topic From cfl Ohio to broader customer base in the forum Ohio 7 years, 4 months ago
You ultimately need to move production to a commercial kitchen. But I’d recommend focusing on getting it to take off before worrying about that.
David Crabill replied to the topic Pet Treats in the forum Ohio 7 years, 7 months ago
Usually they’re not allowed.
David Crabill replied to the topic allergen free cookies in the forum Ohio 7 years, 9 months ago
You do not need a license from the ag dept, though you might need a business license from your city, county, or state.
Because you are so specialized, you might want to consider moving your production into a commercial kitchen as soon as possible so that you can sell to other states.
Mandy joined the group Ohio 7 years, 11 months ago
David Crabill replied to the topic Roasted Coffee in the forum Ohio 8 years, 1 month ago
You will need to contact the ag dept to learn about everything you can and cannot do, but generally, you should be able to ship within the state of Ohio (no interstate sales).
Figuring out permitting requires potentially contacting a number of local govt departments:
Jan Konya-Grabill joined the group Ohio 8 years, 3 months ago
Beatriz Avila joined the group Ohio 8 years, 3 months ago
Adriane Suhayda joined the group Ohio 8 years, 4 months ago
David Crabill replied to the topic Kettle Corn in the forum Ohio 8 years, 6 months ago
You don’t need any permit from the ag dept to sell kettle corn in-person or to grocery stores and restaurants, but there may be local requirements, like a business license. Also, you probably can’t sell anywhere, since zoning laws restrict where business activities can take place.
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