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  • David replied to the topic Chicken Salad in the forum Texas 9 years ago

    You need to use a commercial kitchen to produce and sell chicken salad.

  • David replied to the topic Syrups? in the forum Texas 9 years ago

    Texas is very specific about what’s allowed and since syrups are not on the list, I don’t think they’re allowed.

    The purpose of the home address is so health officials can find where a product was made if there is a complaint. This is a common practice across the nation, and I’ve never heard of anyone who had an issue with it (though many have…[Read more]

  • David replied to the topic Flavored Sea Salt in the forum Texas 10 years ago

    Probably not. Texas has a very specific list of foods, which doesn’t include seasonings. It does allow dry mixes (combined commercially-produced ingredients), dried produce, and dry herbs, but flavored salt really doesn’t fall under any of those. You will need to contact the health dept to get approval. I don’t think the type of flavoring would…[Read more]

  • Amit Kumar posted an update in the group Texas 10 years ago

    any way to find out how many CFOs are operating in TX areas?

  • Amit_Kumar joined the group Texas 10 years ago

  • Krys joined the group Texas 10 years ago

  • David replied to the topic Online Request in the forum Texas 10 years ago

    The law says that you cannot “sell” online, and that’s all it says. I’d say that if you’re not collecting money online, then you’re not making a sale. If you do a preorder over your website with no money changing hands, and then exchange the money face-to-face, that should be legal.

  • Both shipping and online transactions are prohibited for a cottage food business. You would need a standard commercial license to ship.

  • David replied to the topic Texas Cottage Food Law in the forum Texas 10 years ago

    Yes, you always have to pay yearly income taxes.

  • Roundrockwilly posted an update in the group Texas 10 years ago

    I grow “a lot” of tomatoes in my back yard (no HOA) can I sell them in my Drive way or front yard?

    • You should call your ag and zoning depts. You probably can sell them with minimal-to-no licensing, but you probably can’t sell them in a residential area.

  • David replied to the topic catering in the forum Texas 11 years ago

    You can’t incorporate catering. Catering includes handling food outside of the home, and a CFO, by definition, must do all preparation and handling of food inside the home. So you do need to go the commercial route and talk to your health dept.

  • David replied to the topic selling on etsy in the forum Texas 11 years ago

    That’s correct — no homemade food may be sold on Etsy or anywhere else online.

  • Debra posted an update in the group Texas 11 years ago

    Hello, Why would I be told that I need a (Agriculture license) to sell at a Farmers Market, when other Cottage Food Bakers where there selling their baked food items?

    • I’ve never heard of an “agriculture license”, but did the farmers market manager tell you that? If they require a certain license then that’s what you need. And did the CFOs selling there already have this license?

  • Debra joined the group Texas 11 years ago

  • Kristi posted an update in the group Texas 11 years ago

    Hi! I posted about shagbark hickory syrup. (I saw the thread I added it to and now can’t find it)…anyhow; it’s odd that syrup isn’t allowed, BUT…if I heat the syrup a little more and whip it, it becomes a candy and I can sell that. Hmmm….glad to have a plan B, but seems odd that if jams and jellies are permitted, syrups are. Shagbark hickory…[Read more]

    • Yeah… as I mentioned in my reply, it doesn’t make much sense. Texas has not allowed all items that are safe… they have only allowed items that are on a specific list. That’s just how they setup their law, and it would be nice if it eventually got changed to allow all non-PHFs.

  • Kristi joined the group Texas 11 years ago

  • David replied to the topic live/work loft in the forum Texas 11 years ago

    I don’t see any problem with that, as long as the food prep isn’t happening in a bedroom.

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