Margaret Massey
Slot Gacor joined the group Arkansas 2 years ago
David Crabill replied to the topic Gummy Bears. in the forum Arkansas 2 years ago
Yes definitely! All non-perishable candies and confections are allowed in Arkansas.
lary joined the group Arkansas 2 years ago
Jeff started the topic Gummy Bears. in the forum Arkansas 2 years ago
Can I sell gummy bears under the Arkansas cottage laws? I’ve looked at the homemade food production guidelines and this site. I haven’t found an answer either way.
Jeff posted an update in the group Arkansas 2 years ago
Can you I sell gummy bears under the cottage law in Arkansas? I’ve looked through the resources and don’t see an answer either way.
Jeff joined the group Arkansas 2 years ago
Ye Juanda M. Sargent joined the group Arkansas 3 years ago
Stephanie Long posted an update in the group Arkansas 3 years ago
I have a question for the group. Can you sell homemade items, that are properly sealed (like homemade syrup that has been canned to seal the jar) to restaurants for use in their food or drink production?
Stephanie Long joined the group Arkansas 3 years ago
David Crabill replied to the topic Selling Homemade Vanilla Extracts in the forum Arkansas 3 years ago
From my reading of their guide, I’d say that it’s unlikely that extracts are allowed. There are definitely restrictions on selling most anything that is flavored with alcohol (except candy which can contain 5% or less). However, they don’t clearly state that an extract is prohibited. My guess is that to sell an extract, you’d need a separate…[Read more]
Margaret Massey posted an update in the group Arkansas 3 years ago
Need information regarding Homemade Vanilla Extracts can be sold at Farmers Markets in Arkansas
Please see my response here:
Margaret Massey joined the group Arkansas 3 years ago
SEnthea joined the group Arkansas 3 years ago
David Crabill replied to the topic Salsa and other Acidic Foods in the forum Arkansas 3 years ago
I don’t think the method of canning matters so much. The main thing is making sure that the pH is at 4.6 or below. There are 3 methods for ensuring the pH, and you must use one of them. There are some other requirements for acidified foods, like including the batch number and date on the label. I’d recommend reading through all of the info on the…[Read more]
David Crabill replied to the topic Arkansas law in the forum Arkansas 9 years ago
I’m pretty sure you need to make tonics in a commercial kitchen.
David replied to the topic Making dog treats to sell in the forum Arkansas 10 years ago
Nikki Ellis posted an update in the group Arkansas 11 years ago
Can we use our home freeze dryer on fruits and vegetables and sell them under the cottage food law?
Nikki Ellis joined the group Arkansas 11 years ago
David replied to the topic Selling boiled peanuts in the forum Arkansas 11 years ago
I don’t think those are allowed under the cottage food law.
David replied to the topic Arkansas law in the forum Arkansas 11 years ago
You can have a cottage food business, but you can’t deliver. People will need to pick the items up from your home.
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Arkansas is one of the best states out there, but they do not allow homemade food items to be sold in (or to) restaurants. There’s no legal way around this, outside of building a commercial kitchen into your home, which I wouldn’t recommend until your business is quite large.