Adané joined the group Wisconsin a month ago
Donald V. Backlund posted an update in the group Wisconsin a year ago
Selling in Wisconsin i meant
Donald V. Backlund posted an update in the group Wisconsin a year ago
I am Wondering about Pickled Eggs ,selling them on Wisconsin Friends ,Family and what about Taverns THanks
Donald V. Backlund joined the group Wisconsin a year ago
Laura Simonds posted an update in the group Wisconsin 2 years ago
I’m trying to reconcile what DATCP is telling me with the way I’m reading the WI Cottage Food law with respect to selling dehydrated/minced onions and garlic powder (all grown at home) at a local farmers market. I’m getting conflicting information.
Laura Simonds joined the group Wisconsin 2 years ago
Amy Joannes posted an update in the group Wisconsin 3 years ago
So excited to get started! I was wondering if confectioner’s sugar and milk glaze is considered something that needs to be refrigerated? Also, I see that you can’t make focaccia-style bread, but I don’t understand why. Is it the ingredients? or the way you make it? I just don’t want to make a mistake.
Powdered sugar with a little bit of milk should not spoil since the sugar stabilizes the mixture. If you spread the glaze thinly, allowing water to evaporate, it will make it even more shelf stable.
As far as focaccia, that restriction is only for bread topped with vegetables or cheese and then baked. It’s recommended to refrigerate that type of…[Read more]
Thank you David! I have really appreciated your videos. I am currently in my giveaway launch on a Facebook group. Half a Loaf 4 U. I am hoping to sell mini-breads. I have cinnamon sugar, banana chocolate chip and lemon blueberry. Would love for you to take a look at the site and give me any feedback. Amy Joannes
What is the link to your website?
Amy Joannes joined the group Wisconsin 3 years ago
Rachael posted an update in the group Wisconsin 4 years ago
I can’t find anywhere if WI requires you to have any sort of certification or license for Cottage Food-is it not required to sell under Cottage Food Law?
Rachael joined the group Wisconsin 4 years ago
Susan Aye posted an update in the group Wisconsin 4 years ago
What are the rules for hot chocolate bombs and chocolate covered cherries? I’m concerned about a Seller’s Chronic health issue (coughing) contaminating her products.
Someone would need to use a commercial kitchen to legally sell those in WI, but it’s exceedingly common for people not to. If you’re wondering how to deal with that seller, this is what I usually suggest: https://forrager.com/faq/#illegal
Susan Aye joined the group Wisconsin 4 years ago
Pamela Steffen posted an update in the group Wisconsin 4 years ago
What are the rules on flavored honey (not cooked) and homemade vanilla? I cannot find these anywhere.
The lawsuit exemption only covers baked goods. The pickle bill only covers canned goods. Most states have some kind of exemption for selling honey, but that might not apply to flavored honey. I’d recommend contacting the ag dept about that. As for vanilla, you’ll likely need to produce that in a commercial kitchen in order to sell it legally.
Pamela Steffen joined the group Wisconsin 4 years ago
amel ninouche joined the group Wisconsin 5 years ago
Sari Kimbell joined the group Wisconsin 6 years ago
carol raymonds joined the group Wisconsin 6 years ago
David Crabill replied to the topic Private Party Orders from Home Kitchen in the forum Wisconsin 6 years ago
Yes you would need a license from the ag department, and you would need to produce the food in a commercial kitchen. https://forrager.com/faq/#commercial
vector posted an update in the group Wisconsin 7 years ago
does Wisconsin’s law allow to sell frozen food (home made) online ?and if yes, what are the requirements to do so?
vector joined the group Wisconsin 7 years ago
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I don’t think you can do pickled eggs… just fruit and veggie items
Good morning David in Wisconsin what about Dehydrated foods like fruit Roll ups I’m just trying to get some ideas for a easy start up Thanks