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Bake salea

This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  David Crabill 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #18058

    Wanda Stephens

    I am doing a benefit bake sale 100% of the precedes goes to it do I need any type of lisence for that? I will be making pies, cupcakes and cakes. Nothing that has to stay a temp, thanks


    Wanda Stephens

    Hi david I forgot to mention I had to reserve a spot within the benefit for the bake sale . The proceeds go to the person the benefit is being held
    For. Hope my questions weren’t too confusing. Thanks again


    David Crabill

    Usually there is some kind of exemption for charitable or nonprofit sales, but I’m not sure about sales to benefit an individual. If you are in business for yourself, that is more or less sales to benefit an individual (you), right? I don’t really know… I’d suggest you call the ag dept for more info.

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