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Section B of HB No. 1270 gross annual sales

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  David Crabill 8 years ago.

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  • #37483

    Pamela Bordelon

    Section B of HG No. 1270 states: “This Section shall not apply to any preparer of low risk foods made at home for sale, whose gross annual sales equal twenty thousand dollars or more.” I am confused about the $20,000 limit of annual sales – does this apply to spices and seasonings as well? Also, the section refers to $20,000 or more so when does that apply? Thanks for the help!


    David Crabill

    The cottage food law covers spices and seasonings, so yes, you can make those, and yes, you would be limited to less than $20,000 of sales. You need to get a sales tax certificate.

    It’s worded in a confusing way, but basically, the bill language means that if you make “$20,000 or more”, then the cottage food law exemption no longer applies to you. In other words, at that point, you would have to use the standard food laws, which require you to prepare food for sale in a commercial kitchen.

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