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Selling online

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Jimmy Y 7 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #39599

    Heidi shackelford

    I am new here and having trouble finding rules/laws for selling candy online. For years I have made Carmel popcorn for friends and family and I’m considering mail order/online sales. Can anyone help with Oklahoma laws. As far as I can tell it only baked goods. Thank you in advance


    Jimmy Y

    I found two sites, was looking for similar info about cottage food laws in Indiana and decided to double up for Oklahoma. First link is:
    but of course their site isn’t complete. They do have contact info there, but the responsibility for regulating home food manufacturing was transferred to the OK Dept. of Agriculture. I found this fact sheet there:
    and I eventually found the answer to your question about selling online.
    “Also, products
    baked under the Home Bakery Act cannot be sold at farmer’s
    markets, stores, restaurants or on the Internet. Products can
    only be sold from the baker’s residence.”

    You could email these people at to find out whether caramel popcorn is a baked good but legally it probably is. Sounds like you would need a business license to do anything more than direct sales. It’s pretty much the same here except our laws allow farmers market sales also.

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