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A real "greenie"

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Anna Jimmy 2 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #29957


    Hi David,

    I am trying to make some money before I go back to college. I can’t seem to find work, so I thought of selling bread. I found this website and was pleased to learn about the Cottage Food Act. I desire to get started, and understand that I need to have “Food handler training” and label my product, and understand the food restrictions. I really just want to get everything right so that I am working honestly and correctly.
    Being a younger chap, I haven’t had a chance to pay taxes, and was wondering how exactly I would pay taxes on the bread sold.
    I live in Pueblo County, CO. I would love some detailed instruction and direction about taxes and the such.

    Is there anything else that you feel I should know before I get started?



    David Crabill

    I’d recommend contacting the sales tax division in Pueblo to see what you should be charging. Here’s some generic info about sales tax:

    Here is some basic info about starting your business:

    My “advice”, if you will, is to start out small and don’t get too caught up in trying to get everything perfect before starting. No matter how detailed a business plan, businesses seem to take on a life of their own once they get going.


    Anna Jimmy

    What a great post! Thanks a lot for your sharing. I appreciate it a lot
    Euchre Online

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