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Sales Tax Workshop for Packaged Food Makers (Bread)

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Sari Kimbell 2 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #91553

    Sari Kimbell

    One of the things I see a lot of folks get wrong is their sales tax reporting. Often they are paying (a lot) when they shouldn’t be paying anything! Or they aren’t paying at all. There have been some recent changes to how states are requiring you to pay sales tax and because it is food, it isn’t the same as other products. Whether you are selling at markets, online or in stores, you want to do this correctly!

    Join me for a free sales tax workshop on March 29th live! Get registered here:

    Get the replay + tools for $7 with code FORRAGER

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