Can you please help me decipher the AK laws with regard to products containing meat? It looks like it is allowed but your information eludes otherwise. Appreciate your insight!
Under the AK website:
Types of Food Included in Alaska’s Homemade Food Rule
->>>> Potentially Hazardous Food
Description: Foods that only last for a certain amount of time or must be held at a certain temperature to ensure they are safe to eat; sometimes called time/temperature control for safety (TCS) foods
Examples: Cheesecake, lemon meringue pie, cheese-stuffed bread, cut melon
Locations and Methods of Sale: See Selling Potentially Hazardous Food
Food That Contains Meat or Meat Products
Description: Foods that contain meat or meat food products (from cattle, goats, sheep, swine, and catfish) that were produced under USDA inspection
Does Not Include: Uninspected or inspection-exempt meat; producing, slaughtering, or selling whole livestock or parts of livestock; nonamenable species; game meat
Examples: Charcuterie boards
Potentially Hazardous Food? Yes
Locations and Methods of Sale: See Selling Potentially Hazardous Food