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  • Jonathan, you can sell perishable baked goods at farmers markets by producing them in a commercial kitchen and getting a different license from the health department.

    There is no legal way to sell them from home, or to sell homemade perishable baked goods, except for building a commercial kitchen on your property (which is very complex and costly…[Read more]

  • David Crabill replied to the topic Getting Started in the forum California 2 years ago

    Nunuz, I think it’s important to know that most of this kind of info can’t be found online. You need to contact your health dept, the planning division, etc and wait for them to get back to you. It usually takes quite a bit of patience.

    However, generally speaking, in addition to the CFO permit you will likely need a business license, and yes…[Read more]

  • I don’t know what things are like in California, but I can tell you what I know based on my own experience and a little Google.
    If you have a cfo class A you can sell to people who stop by your place to buy what you made there, and you can sell baked goods at a community event located in the county where you have the cfo registered, but that is…[Read more]

  • If you sell the items you are describing, but leave off the custard and cream, you will be in compliance. But I bet the pastry is a little too dry without the custard or cream. To sell prohibited foods to children, the immunocompromised, and the elderly is very bad practice.

  • Nunez started the topic Getting Started in the forum California 2 years ago

    My sisters and I are pursuing our goal of a small business in selling our baked goods (vegan sweet bread) but are confused in the steps needed for our license.
    Our questions are
    1.Is there a license other than the CFO class A permit we need to fill out? If so which ones are they?
    2.What are the zoning requirements for riverside/corona county…[Read more]

  • Nunez joined the group California 2 years ago

  • Trish A posted an update in the group California 2 years ago

    I’m brand new and in the process of getting my CFO. I’ve reviewed the approved food list for CA, but have come across conflicting information. I am hoping someone can help me out. In regard to bread, is sourdough allowed? On the current list it does not give specifics. However, somewhere (can’t remember where) I read that it is considered…[Read more]

    • Sourdough bread does not count as a fermented food for the purposes of the law, the restrictions on fermented food exist when the food producer is using fermentation to control the growth of unwholesome bacteria, in a ready to eat food, like kimchi. fermentation works perfectly well for the private kimchi enthusiasts, but the government is…[Read more]

  • Trish A joined the group California 2 years ago

  • Michelle joined the group Forrager 2 years ago

  • David Crabill replied to the topic do i need a CFO? in the forum California 2 years ago

    Running a bake sale for a charitable cause falls under different rules, but in this case it sounds like the funds would be for your family’s use (not donated to a nonprofit).

    So in that case, if we want to get really technical, the answer is yes, in CA you’d need a permit to legally sell baked goods, and zoning laws might prevent you from selling…[Read more]

  • For the fruit blossoms, I don’t know but I doubt it. For the second, it probably depends on your county. Some counties will be very strict and will say no to anything that’s not on the official state list of allowed foods. Either way, I recommend that you contact your local environmental health dept for clarification on whether you can make these items.

  • Everard replied to the topic Definition of Extracts? in the forum California 2 years ago

    Thank you so much for your timely (and insightful), very much appreciated! I had a follow-up question: are fruit blossoms considered fruits under the Cottage Food Law or would they be another category? And I guess a second question, lol – are DIY saline solutions something covered by the Cottage Food Law (the saline solution would be dialed in for…[Read more]

  • They mean 70 proof alcohol that’s flavored with those (and only those) items. Here are the categories:
    Apple * Apricot * Blackberry * Blueberry * Cherry * Chocolate * Clove *
    Cinnamon * Cranberry * Grapefruit * Lemon * Lime * Orange * Peach * Pear
    * Pineapple * Pomegranate * Raspberry * Strawberry * and Vanilla

    You wouldn’t be able to use the…[Read more]

  • Everard started the topic Definition of Extracts? in the forum California 2 years ago

    I read this the newest version of the Approved Cottage Foods list (Sept 15, 2022): “EXTRACTSCONTAININGATLEAST70PROOFOR35%FOOD-GRADEFOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION ETHANOL/ALCOHOL.
    Only those listed or combinations of those listed are allowed.”
    – This sounds interesting but I am trying to figure out what they mean by extracts? Do they mean like tinctures and…[Read more]

  • Everard joined the group California 2 years ago

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