John Stipes posted an update in the group California 7 years ago
I’m a little confused. From my understanding you cany use any dairy or cream ingredients, however the sample label they use for cookies clearly has cream and milkfat in the ingredients. So am I able to use these ingredients in a recipe? For instance can I bake cinnamon rolls using margarine and almond milk? Or would that not be allowed because…[Read more]
John Stipes joined the group California 7 years ago
John Stipes joined the group California 7 years ago
Christina Bonner posted an update in the group California 7 years ago
Was wondering can owners raise rent for doing cottage food business from my apartment?
Christina Bonner joined the group California 7 years ago
Stephanie joined the group California 7 years ago
Angela posted an update in the group California 8 years ago
Hello! Getting the ball rolling on home based cookie business by getting food handler and food processor permits out of the way. I’m a little concerned that it asks for a business name. Does anyone know from experience if the name needs to be “set in stone” or if it’s feasible to change after the fact?
Angela joined the group California 8 years ago
David Crabill replied to the topic Royal Icing – Meringue Powder? in the forum California 8 years ago
I don’t think many, if any, counties allow meringue powder. Other CFOs who are using it may be doing so illegally.
Allen Temunovic joined the group California 8 years ago
Aparna Venkatramani joined the group California 8 years ago
Benita Moore joined the group California 8 years ago
Erinne Mejia joined the group California 8 years ago
David Crabill replied to the topic Taxes? in the forum California 8 years ago
I think you’re exempt from the state tax, but you might have county or city sales taxes that you need to collect. Here’s some more info: http://forrager.com/faq/#sales-tax
David Crabill replied to the topic CFO kitchen in the forum California 8 years ago
Paul, I know that some people roast coffee beans in their oven, but I don’t know how most people do it. It is possible to have your kitchen extend to other parts of the home (that aren’t sleeping areas), but I don’t know if a garage would be allowed. Assuming you’re in CA, you should talk with your environmental health dept about what they will allow.
David Crabill replied to the topic food qualifications for cottage in Cali in the forum California 8 years ago
No, cooked potatoes and cheese would not be allowed in cottage food items. You’ll need to use a commercial kitchen. http://forrager.com/faq/#commercial
Tyler Roberts joined the group California 8 years ago
Annmarie Holbrook posted an update in the group California 8 years ago
Hi. I am new to the Cottage food industry. I purchased the book “Homemade” and can’t wait to receive it in the mail. My question is… Do I ONLY need an inspection if I am going to put my baked goods in shops and stores? Or do I also need an inspection, just selling my goods to business’s and friends?
Thank you from Cali! Soooooo excited?Annmarie Holbrook joined the group California 8 years ago
David Crabill replied to the topic Can a business I sell wholesale to ship my cookies in their gift baskets? in the forum California 8 years ago
Christian, if you are a Class B CFO, then you can sell to commercial businesses, and it is my understanding that they can sell your product by the same means that they sell their own. So assuming that the farmers market vendor is a commercial food business (and not simply a farmer that sells produce), then I would think that they could resell your…[Read more]
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You only need an inspection if a 3rd party, like a store, is selling for you.