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"Help to set up Cottage Business"

This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Lisa Russell 8 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #1651

    Mary Jane Newlon

    We are in the process of helping bakers to get started in their businesses by identifying things that need to be done to help your business succeed. If you would like help, please contact me at This is a huge undertaking, but will individuals to help set up their businesses properly and with little effort. Anyway we can help, just let us know. Thank you.


    Lisa Russell

    Good afternoon, Mary!

    I am interested in starting my own cottage business, but am finding it difficult to locate any helpful resources.
    Could you assist me with this process, including all information I need to know in order to set up my home business?
    Any help you can supply will be GREATLY appreciated!

    Thank you so much for your time,
    Lisa Russell

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