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Selling to restaurants!!!

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  David Crabill 2 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #90687


    Hi guys I’ve been baking and selling for about 10 years and am awesome opportunity has arose!! I’ve been working as a server at a restaurant for 7 years and people always buys cupcakes from me. The owner wants to put my cupcakes on the menu! I have my llc and servsafe food handler certificate. What do I need to do now? Please help I’m excited and I don’t want to mess anything up


    David Crabill

    That’s awesome! An amazing opportunity for sure. Unfortunately you won’t be able to use your home kitchen to produce the cupcakes. But you’re in the fortunate position of having a commercial kitchen at your disposal! Come to an agreement with the restaurant owner, perhaps using the kitchen in off hours. You will need to get a permit from the health dept, but it’s a no brainer to go through that fairly extensive process when you have guaranteed sales!

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