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  • don posted an update in the group Missouri 3 months, 1 week ago

    ## Hello, St. Louis Cottage Food Bakers!

    I’m thrilled to introduce myself to this amazing community! I recently received my St. Louis City business license for home baking, and I’m excited to share my journey with you all. I know navigating the city’s regulations can be tricky, so I’m happy to offer any advice or help I can to anyone feeling overwhelmed by the process.

    As a new cottage food baker, I’m already experiencing the joys and challenges of this unique business.

    **The Best:**

    * **Creative Freedom:** I love the ability to experiment and create new recipes that reflect my personal style and passion for baking.
    * **Direct Connection with Customers:** It’s incredibly rewarding to see the smiles on people’s faces when they enjoy my baked goods.
    * **Flexible Schedule:** Being able to set my own hours and work from home allows me to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

    **The Not-So-Best:**

    * **Limited Scope:** Cottage food laws restrict the types of products I can sell, which can be frustrating at times.
    * **Marketing Challenges:** Reaching a wider audience and building a customer base can be difficult without a traditional storefront.
    * **Time Commitment:** Balancing baking, marketing, and administrative tasks can be demanding, especially when working solo.

    I’m eager to learn from all of you experienced cottage food bakers and share my own experiences as I navigate this exciting path. Let’s support each other and continue to grow the vibrant home baking scene in St. Louis!

    Please feel free to ask any questions you might have about navigating the city’s regulations or just share your own experiences in the comments below.

    Happy baking!