Amy Joannes posted an update in the group Wisconsin 3 years ago
So excited to get started! I was wondering if confectioner’s sugar and milk glaze is considered something that needs to be refrigerated? Also, I see that you can’t make focaccia-style bread, but I don’t understand why. Is it the ingredients? or the way you make it? I just don’t want to make a mistake.
Powdered sugar with a little bit of milk should not spoil since the sugar stabilizes the mixture. If you spread the glaze thinly, allowing water to evaporate, it will make it even more shelf stable.
As far as focaccia, that restriction is only for bread topped with vegetables or cheese and then baked. It’s recommended to refrigerate that type of bread, but even if it were shelf stable, the ag dept would restrict it due to potential issues if it weren’t processed correctly in a home with the right temperature controls. You can’t use cheese in your baked goods, but you can use vegetables (like zucchini) as long as they are thoroughly incorporated into the batter before baking.
Thank you David! I have really appreciated your videos. I am currently in my giveaway launch on a Facebook group. Half a Loaf 4 U. I am hoping to sell mini-breads. I have cinnamon sugar, banana chocolate chip and lemon blueberry. Would love for you to take a look at the site and give me any feedback. Amy Joannes
What is the link to your website?