James McKenna
Ashley Barrett joined the group Business 2 years ago
Samantha started the topic Starting new business looking for advice in the forum Business 2 years ago
I have my DBA, EIN, and vendor’s license. I am wanting to buy bulk candy and resell it online in smaller packaging. I even found a candy wholesale distributor willing to sell to me. My issue now is repackaging. I’m not making this product. I want to make sure I’m not infringing on copyright.
For example, I order a 30-pound bag of candy that is…[Read more]
Samantha joined the group Business 2 years ago
DanielLisa joined the group Business 2 years ago
Trish A posted an update in the group California 2 years ago
I’m brand new and in the process of getting my CFO. I’ve reviewed the approved food list for CA, but have come across conflicting information. I am hoping someone can help me out. In regard to bread, is sourdough allowed? On the current list it does not give specifics. However, somewhere (can’t remember where) I read that it is considered…[Read more]
Trish A joined the group California 2 years ago
Wendy Worrell joined the group California 2 years ago
Deeksha Sinha joined the group California 2 years ago
Deeksha Sinha joined the group Business 2 years ago
Josie joined the group Business 2 years ago
David Crabill replied to the topic do i need a CFO? in the forum California 2 years ago
Running a bake sale for a charitable cause falls under different rules, but in this case it sounds like the funds would be for your family’s use (not donated to a nonprofit).
So in that case, if we want to get really technical, the answer is yes, in CA you’d need a permit to legally sell baked goods, and zoning laws might prevent you from selling…[Read more]
ELIZABETH MARTINO posted an update in the group Business 2 years ago
I am in the beginning stages of getting my application into the agriculture department. I started selling my Elderberry Syrup and Fire Cider on local platforms and I’m realizing to go to some markets and craft fairs people want to see the cert, so I’m working on that. I’m in PA, are there example layouts of a basic business plan? Elderberry Syrup…[Read more]
ELIZABETH MARTINO joined the group Business 2 years ago
Bailey Noel joined the group Business 2 years ago
David Crabill replied to the topic Where can I get a Website Done? in the forum Business 2 years ago
Shereena, here’s the link to the website tutorial: https://forrager.com/learn/website/
Shereena replied to the topic Where can I get a Website Done? in the forum Business 2 years ago
Hi Connie, I heard about David’s tutorial and found your post here in this group; however, I cannot seem to find his tutorial. Do you have any guidance? I have already opened an account with Square since I was thinking of using this for my 1st event to sell in-person and use for payment options they provide. However, after further reading on…[Read more]
Shereena joined the group Business 2 years ago
Ciara Watt joined the group Business 2 years ago
NANCY ANGELO joined the group Business 2 years ago
Da-solution joined the group Business 2 years ago
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Sourdough bread does not count as a fermented food for the purposes of the law, the restrictions on fermented food exist when the food producer is using fermentation to control the growth of unwholesome bacteria, in a ready to eat food, like kimchi. fermentation works perfectly well for the private kimchi enthusiasts, but the government is…[Read more]