Rey Waller
David replied to the topic Law regarding uncooked meals in the forum Tennessee 10 years, 2 months ago
You need to use a commercial kitchen and your business won’t have many limitations:
Kris started the topic Law regarding uncooked meals in the forum Tennessee 10 years, 2 months ago
I am thinking about creating meals that come packaged with all measured and prepared ingredients. The meals are cooked by the customer. I’d like to choose a few recipes and create the meals to be sold in the grocery store. If I my kitchen gets inspected, etc., can I do this in TN? The meals are perishable, so I’m not sure what the law states.…[Read more]
Kris joined the group Tennessee 10 years, 2 months ago
David replied to the topic Minimal Activity Use Business License in the forum Tennessee 10 years, 3 months ago
Business licenses are usually very county or city-dependent. I’d never heard about a minimal activity license, but after a little searching, it looks like it’s available in some counties for businesses with gross sales of under $10,000. In TN, as a cottage food operation, there is no sales limit, so it depends on what your yearly revenues are. It…[Read more]
David replied to the topic TAX ID in the forum Tennessee 10 years, 3 months ago
I really don’t know. I’d recommend you contact the TN Department of Revenue.
David replied to the topic online sale in the forum Tennessee 10 years, 4 months ago
Yes, you can do it with a commercial license.
julia sherman posted an update in the group Tennessee 10 years, 6 months ago
Promulgation of new laws
I am not sure what is happening in other areas, but there seems to be a lack of promulgation/promotion. Right now in my east tn area events/flea markets/ and locations are now embracing the older once a month for charity no license is needed sale of baked goods guidelines laws.
University of TN outreach centers are…[Read more]julia sherman posted an update in the group Tennessee 10 years, 6 months ago
Location is unfriendly
I was so excited to have the backing of everyone to open a cookie shop. Event the location scouted and approved by everyone was ideal.
What we didn’t know was that the location was unfriendly and doesn’t like open competition, we didn’t find this out until it was too late.
I was in the process of getting a location set u…[Read more]David replied to the topic Website Sales and Cheesecakes in the forum Tennessee 10 years, 6 months ago
There is no legal way to sell homemade cheesecakes in TN. Your mom needs a commercial license, which would also allow her to take online orders and do interstate sales.
David replied to the topic Herbs in the forum Tennessee 10 years, 7 months ago
Yes you can
julia sherman posted an update in the group Tennessee 10 years, 7 months ago
hey everyone, I just joined. For years I was and still am a PickTn farm and cottage foods business. I love this site and I thank you for having it!
julia sherman joined the group Tennessee 10 years, 7 months ago
Kevin Morris joined the group Tennessee 10 years, 9 months ago
David replied to the topic Commissary Kitchen in the forum Tennessee 10 years, 11 months ago
Yeah this site is for cottage food laws, which are separate than those for mobile food trucks. I think you’re going to need to call your local health dept about this since you probably won’t be able to find the info online.
sara posted an update in the group Tennessee 10 years, 11 months ago
Are dried vegetable dip mixes allowed under cottage food law? The ingredients are from an FDA approved supplier.
sara joined the group Tennessee 10 years, 11 months ago
David replied to the topic Can Cottage Food Law apply if building is not attached to the home? in the forum Tennessee 11 years ago
Jean, you cannot be the owner of both a commercial food business and a cottage food operation. It sounds like even though the items you are selling would fall under the cottage food law, you will need to get a commercial permit to sell those items, which should be much easier for you since you already have a commercial kitchen setup.
David replied to the topic Labels in the forum Tennessee 11 years, 2 months ago
The actual law language says labels must include “…the date on which the food product was packaged, the net quantity of the food product…”
I’m not sure if the law is referring to net weight, or if you could simply put the number of cookies on the label (because of “net quantity”). But you can’t go wrong if you just put the net weight. As far…[Read more]
David replied to the topic Popcorn in the forum Tennessee 11 years, 2 months ago
Yes, you should be able to make those under Tennessee’s cottage food law.
David replied to the topic Just to clarify… in the forum Tennessee 11 years, 4 months ago
Yes, you are absolutely reading that right in terms of your state’s requirements. You should check with your city or county though (probably the planning division)… they may have some requirements. For instance, you might have to get a standard business license, which is usually easy and inexpensive.
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It does seem more difficult in some of the southern and midwest states, which seem to be less concerned with progress and would rather do things the way they’ve done them for awhile.