STEVEN DILWORTH posted an update in the group Laws & Industry Info 3 years, 7 months ago
How’s everyone-) First time caller… Allow myself to introduce, uhhh myself. Steven Dilworth I live in Portland, Or 47 Airforce Vet that spent 14 years as a civilian contractor title being Combat Firefighter/Rescue. 9 yrs Afghanistan 3yrs Iraq North Africa PORTLAND “also a war zone lol” with covid being covid I’ve been stuck state side in which I was lucky enough to work or learn the artificial DiLstilling. I’m not great since it takes way longer than 6 months but he has a big dilstillery and I learned a few recipes Like bourbon and corn whiskey to name a couple. So why I am here? “Moonshine DiL Pickles” or as I’ve sent for the trademark and domains “Giggle Pickles” Being called DiLpickle all my life I might as well make a few bucks for the years of pain lol… Long story longer I have the ingredients a few recipes I’m working on (any suggestions would be well received) No the legal issues, licensing all that jazz especially it is both a 40-50 proof Moonshine brine with the DiLpickle Spears all in its pretty little mason jar. I’ll be around to ask mainly my Oregon Experts WTF did I get myself into but if anyone wants chat I’m down. I am an expert on Sand lots and lots of sand. Nice to meet ya’ll