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  • Hi everyone! What a great resource! From what I’ve read, Florida Cottage Food law prohibits one from internet sales, phone, and mail order. I already have drafted my Facebook Page, flyer, and labeling stating to email me to place an order. Can I receive orders for my product via email?

    Thank you in advance.


  • Sandra posted an update in the group Florida 11 years, 1 month ago

    Hi everyone! What a great resource. From what I’ve read, Florida Cottage law prohibits sales via the internet, phone, and mail order. Does this mean that I can not receive orders via my personal email? I have a prepared a Facebook page, flyer, and label stating to email me with an order. Is email an acceptable way to receive an order for my product?

  • Nicole, you are not required to get a license from the health department to sell your food, but it’s very reasonable for your farmers market to require a business license. It’s the same basic license any business of any type would get, and it’s usually pretty easy — you would apply with your city or county. It’s also relatively inexpensive……[Read more]

  • David replied to the topic Sales Tax in the forum Florida 11 years, 3 months ago

    April, I’m not the ultimate guru on this but I did a little research for Florida (I’m more familiar with California’s tax laws, but Florida’s look similar). The bottom line is that it doesn’t look like you need to charge sales tax.

    One important factor for charging sales tax is whether the product is intended to be consumed on the seller’s…[Read more]

  • David replied to the topic veggies/eggs in the forum Florida 11 years, 3 months ago

    Leslie, I’ll try to tackle your questions. Keep them coming!

    This site is really dedicated to cottage foods, or value-added homemade foods. If you want to sell uncut fruits and vegetables, then you should be able to do that without any kind of permit. Eggs and milk are a little different… the eggs will probably be okay, though some states have…[Read more]