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Products submission

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  David Crabill 1 year, 3 months ago.

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  • #119608



    I want to start a cottage food business for selling my baked goods, but I’m still figuring out which variations of things I want to sell and what recipes I’m using.
    If I decide to submit for example 10 types of products, do I have to decide in advance all the possible variations I might be selling (for example 20 different types of fillings…)?
    If I’m not actually submitting recipes, can I still tweak and improve them as I go as long as I’m not changing the ingredients? (maybe just slightly different quantities of sugar, flour etc)?



    David Crabill

    I would recommend talking with the health dept about what they’d be okay with. Some officials are more strict than others.

    Also, I’ll add that despite the ridiculous requirement (IMHO) of having a startup submit every possible label variation before they’ve even started their business, in my experience most people do tweak their recipes throughout the year as needed without worrying too much about the restriction.

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