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This topic contains 6 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  David Crabill 7 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #34233


    I would just like to make my own dry spice combos and sell those. Will I need to have a cottage license for that?


    David Crabill

    Yes, you need a cottage food license.


    CFO fan

    i looked into doing CFO spices and the health dept wanted proof the whole spice came from a licensed seller. My source had imported the spice and didn’t have a license. It was too much work, the health dept are so tough to work with



    So, if I understand correctly, I can legally sell my spice blends/seasoning packs as long as I have a Cottage permit? How does this apply to ebay, craft fairs, etsy and home parties? I’m new as you can tell- but excited!


    David Crabill

    Yes, you can sell homemade spices in Utah (at home, at craft fairs, and online), but you cannot sell them interstate. So you could use eBay or Etsy as long as you only sell to buyers in Utah. Otherwise, you need to use a commercial kitchen.



    Great info! How about Arkansas? Same questions.


    David Crabill

    Arkansas’ cottage food law doesn’t allow spices. You need to use a commercial kitchen to produce them.

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