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Looking for Licensed Kitchen Time (Memphis, TN)

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Ashley Colpaart 6 years, 4 months ago.

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    Blake Moyer

    I am seeking kitchen space as I cannot create a domestic kitchen in my home. I live in Memphis, TN and would like to start selling my jams/chutney online.

    Another question:
    Does anyone know of a loophole to get around the need for a licensed kitchen by using the Cottage Food Laws?



    David Crabill

    Are you not able to create a domestic kitchen because you have pets, I assume?

    I’d recommend that you start by selling your jams and chutneys locally with the basic cottage food law, before trying to sell online.

    If you want to sell online, I don’t know of any loophole that would prevent you from needing to get a commercial kitchen and properly licensed. Here is some info about finding a commercial kitchen:


    Ashley Colpaart

    Hey everyone! Just wanted to let y’all know about a resource called The Kitchen Door that might be helpful if you are looking for a commercial kitchen to rent in your area. I know it’s difficult to find a space that makes it easy to stay compliant and frankly just cook. Hope it’s helpful!

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