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Ways to work around CF laws?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  David Crabill 9 years, 3 months ago.

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    After having a crazy overwhelming response to my allergy friendly taco seasoning packets I posted on FB, I was encouraged to start a small business selling it online. I spent the last two days pouring over the ins and outs of e-commerce, how to take payments, best ways to ship, etc. Then I stumbled upon something about Cottage Food Laws and my excitement and enthusiasm were instantly crushed as I found out that Washington state laws are some of the worst in the nation. I don’t know where to go to get more answers but this is my main question: if I am simply repackaging dry spices, do I fall under Cottage Food Laws? 90% of my business is going to be online via FB or Etsy because of the niche allergy market I am servicing, and apparently in WA, if I’m understanding it right, I can’t sell online and ship my products out of state. Is that right? I’m really hoping that I’m missing something and that my specialty product will some how not fit under CFLs. And if it does, how do I learn what I would need to do to be able to sell online and ship out of state? If I use a commercial kitchen, am I then not under the CFLs? This is so confusing and so utterly disappointing. :( Thank you for any help you can offer!


    David Crabill

    The cottage food laws are only if you want to use your home kitchen. You could use the cottage food law to sell your seasoning, but you’d have to adhere to the restrictions listed under the law.

    If you want to ship and/or sell out-of-state, you’ll need to use a commercial kitchen and get the appropriate license from the health dept. It will likely be a fairly extensive and expensive process.

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