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Selling cracked nuts in MO

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Ron 2 years, 6 months ago.

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    I’m trying to figure out how to sell homemade muesli in Missouri. I was under the impression that cracked nuts were prohibited under the MO cottage food rule. I inquired with the Department of Health and Senior Services and they told me that muesli was not included in the list of allowed foods. I wouldn’t expect the rule to be so specific, of course. The rule allows for the sale of, ‘(i) Non-potentially hazardous processed food, except low acid canned and acidified in 21 CFR 113 and 114 respectively, including, but not limited to breads, cookies, fruit pies, jams, jellies, preserves, fruit butters, honey, sorghum, cracked nuts, packaged spices and spice mixes, dry cookie, cake, bread, and soup mixes;’

    Now that I read it again, it seems like cracked nuts are allowed? Can someone help me understand this? Did the rules change or did I misunderstand them?



    David Crabill

    Thanks for making me aware of that law text. I wasn’t aware of it and it is different from MO’s previous cottage food law. I agree that under that rule, you should be able to sell muesli from a stand. You probably wouldn’t be able to sell it directly from your home, or deliver, or sell online, etc. You should contact the health dept again with that law info… they’re probably unaware of it. The former cottage food law only allowed for baked goods, jams, jellies, and dried herbs.

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