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Allowed and prohibitive items

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  David Crabill 3 years, 6 months ago.

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    Tonia Zerba

    How or where do you obtain Forrager information regarding specific allowable and prohibitive items? So far, this is the only source reference regarding such specific items. Are these lists speculative based on what is allowed? For example, a state only allows baked items. This doesn’t go into what it does not allow. Yet there is a specific list of prohibitive items. Why would popcorn not be allowed? It isn’t baked, but it isn’t a high hazard food either. Thank you


    Cottage Oven

    Each state sets its limitations and usually posts that information somewhere. For example, in Florida, it is handled by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Their website is and if you type “cottage food” into their search bar, you’ll get a link to the basic information ( which includes a link to a PDF brochure on the subject (

    One of the things specifically listed as approved is “Popcorn and popcorn balls.” Otherwise, in addition to the lists of specific approvals and prohibitions, the general definitions are also include, such as that the products must be “non-potentially-hazardous” foods and cannot require refrigeration.

    Again, each state is different and the information listed on the Forrager website comes from what they have obtained from such sources.


    David Crabill

    Adding to what Cottage Oven said, I only add items that I can confirm. If I can’t confirm whether an item is allowed or prohibited, I don’t add it to either list. I list the source info in the Resources section of the page.

    If a state’s law specifically says that it only allows baked goods, then I can confirm that anything non-baked is prohibited.

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