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Berry Cordial online?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  David Crabill 7 years, 10 months ago.

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    Hi everyone! I live in NYC and would love to start selling my homemade berry cordials online. Specifically I am considering Etsy. I would be making everything from my home and sourcing local ingredients. I have read that New York law prohibits condiments to be sold online, however I do see many others who are doing just that. I know there are a lot of steps before setting up shot, but I’m a little confused by the rules – does anyone have any advice? Thanks!



    David Crabill

    Although it may be common for New Yorkers to sell homemade food on Etsy, it is nevertheless illegal. Also, cordials wouldn’t be allowed under the cottage food law for in-person sales. You will need to use a commercial kitchen to produce the cordials.

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