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Liability Insurance

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  David Crabill 3 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #19453


    Does liability insurance on a home owners policy typically cover Cottage Food operations, too?


    David Crabill

    No, typically it doesn’t.



    I do cakes out of my home on a part time basis. When orders are over $150.00 I require a 50% deposit that can be refunded if order is cancelled within 30 days. This is to hold the date and to start palnning. If they fail to follow the policy and don’t cancel til eleven days prior to the event, the deposit is non- refundable. What policy can protect me if I should come across anyone who wants to fight getting their deposit back??


    David Crabill

    Are you sure you need protection from an insurance policy for this circumstance? Assuming they’ve signed a contract that legally binds them to your deposit terms, I’m not sure what they could do if you didn’t give back the deposit. If they’re being such a pain that you ultimately decide to give back the deposit, I don’t think that any insurance policy would cover that decision. I can’t imagine that they’d try suing you because that would surely cost them much more money, since they would clearly lose in court due to the contract terms.


    Corinne L Palmieri

    Hi, do you have any low fare liability insurance to advise to me in Florida? I haven’t found anything under $82.00 a month.


    David Crabill

    Corinne, see here to determine if you need insurance:
    If you do need it, get FLIP insurance, which is $300/year.

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