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Doughnut business

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Amber 4 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #31053


    I have a commercial kitchen/baker willing to make my doughnut recipe in their kitchen ( in NJ) for me to start my business. Am I still considered a Cottage food business even though I am not making each doughnut myself? NJ doesn’t allow homemade foods to be sold? Am I still exempt from labeling since I am under the CFO cottage labeling threshold?


    David Crabill

    NJ doesn’t have any cottage food rules, exemptions, etc. Since the doughnuts will be made in a commercial kitchen, this should be possible, but I’m not sure of the specific rules. You will still need to label them (probably in the commercial kitchen), get a food business license, etc. Since you are not actually preparing the food, and the baker already has their licenses, it might be possible for them to “sell” the doughnuts to you and for you to simply act as a reseller, which may be easier. You should talk to the health dept about this.



    It’s all talking about “baked” goods. If my doughnuts are fried, are they not allowed as part of the Cottage Food Law? I’m in Oregon.



    Sorry, posted in the wrong place

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