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Commissary Kitchen

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  David Crabill 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #3735


    I may be asking the wrong department, but I am curious about my home acting as a commissary kitchen for my business. I have a mobile food truck, I have a place to dump the water and a place to dump the trash. The truck is fully set up to cook, I will just need a commissary kitchen for food storage and possibly washing dishes. I do not have any indoor pets, and I can have a separate fridge in a separate room. Thanks for any help or redirecting.


    David Crabill

    Yeah this site is for cottage food laws, which are separate than those for mobile food trucks. I think you’re going to need to call your local health dept about this since you probably won’t be able to find the info online.

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