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baked candy

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  David Crabill 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #18285

    steve kessler

    My wife wants to sell home-made truffles and toffees at Farmersmarkets. She has been getting mixed signals from the Lake Countyh IL health dept. Toffee is certainly baked candy. Don’t know about truffles. Can anyone help?


    David Crabill

    I think that neither of those would be allowed. I’ve never made toffee before, but I always thought that it was made with a stovetop cook process, like most candy. There aren’t too many types of candy that I know of that use a baking cook process, but some do, so that’s why it’s listed as a possibility. I think you will need to use a commercial kitchen to produce your candies:

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