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Hot Pepper Jelly

This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Robert Massey 4 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #41043


    We’ve been exploring Cottage Kitchen Fundraisers and noticed Hot Peppers are a spicy subject.

    We have a jelly recipe- Carolina Reapers- Sugar, Pectin, and Apple Vinegar. Cooked and Canned. Is there a legal route to market?


    Cottage Oven

    Pepper jellies and tomato jellies are not allowed under Florida’s cottage-food law.


    Robert Massey

    Where can I find the list that shows that pepper and tomato jams and jellies are not permitted in Florida’s Cottage industry. I have searched for hours and cannot find a list. This is the only post I found concerning this matter.
    Also, who makes the determination of what is and is not allowed? What criteria do they use to make the determination?
    Just wondering.

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