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pancake mix

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  David Crabill 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #14008

    Jim Stuart

    hi, I grow wheat in Michigan and my sons live in LA. Would it be legal to send my hard red winter wheat berries to my sons, have them grind those berries into flour, add baking soda and powder and sunflower seeds to create a dry pancake mix and then sell that mix?


    David Crabill

    I really don’t know, as this is a sourcing issue that health depts in CA seem to be very particular about, especially since you’re sending an ag-based product across state lines into CA. If you followed the appropriate regulations to legally get your raw wheat it into CA (may not be possible), then your sons would have to check with the environmental health dept to see if sourcing their wheat from you would be allowed. I think it’s pretty unlikely to be allowed unless you have the licenses to sell wheat outside of Michigan.

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