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Township Approval

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Susan K Miller 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #19275

    Susan K Miller

    I am trying to start up my home based business making high protein peanut butter bars. In PA, I first need to gain approval from my township. I’m stuck there because the zoning manager does not know if I can operate out of my home kitchen or not. He is holding me up from applying for a limited food establishment license. What can I do? Thank you!


    David Crabill

    I believe that your zoning manager can prevent your home business, but in this case, it sounds like he may just be unfamiliar with the law. I’d recommend you call the state ag dept and try to connect the person there with your zoning manager, so he can understand that these home businesses are legal, and even common.


    Susan K Miller

    Great! Thank you!

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